业 务 范 围
担任政府机关、行政机关、事业单位常年法律顾问; 担任国内外公司、企业常年法律顾问; 担任个体工商户、农村承包户、村民委员会常年法律顾问; 担任公民个人常年法律顾问; 担任社会团体及其他组织常年法律顾问; 同国外及港澳台律师行合作相互委托,担任中国事务常年法律顾问。
二、公司、企业、投资领域: 公司、企业的设立、报批、登记、年检相关法律事务; 公司、企业分立、合并、收购、兼并相关法律事务; 公司、企业终止、破产、清算、拍卖相关法律事务; 股份有限公司发行、上市交易及上市公司收购、反收购相关法律事务; 其他与公司、企业投资相关法律事务。
三、房地产领域: 土地使用权出让、转让、租赁、抵押相关法律事务; 房地产开发建设、房屋拆迁、安置、参与项目谈判、办理权属登记相关法律事务; 房地产预售、销售、转让、抵押、租赁交易活动相关法律事务; 房地产交易所需银行贷款、信托及银行按揭相关法律事务; 房地产纠纷的调查、调解、仲裁、诉讼及申请行政复议相关法律事务; 其他与房地产投资相关法律事务。
四、合同领域: 参与合同谈判、调查对方主体资格、资信状况、风险预测相关法律事务; 合同的起草、审查、修改、管理相关法律事务; 担保合同的保证、抵押、质押、留置、定金、提存相关法律事务; 合同纠纷的调查、调解、仲裁、诉讼法律事务; 其他与合同相关手续法律事务。
五、国际商务领域: 国际经济贸易合同法律事务; 信用证买卖合同相关法律事务; 反垄断、反倾销、反不正当竞争相关法律事务; 成套设备引进、租赁相关法律事务; 其他与国际商务活动相关法律事务。
六、知识产权保护领域: 商标注册的申请、续展、转让、使用许可、争议及侵权保护相关法律事务; 专利权的申请、转让、许可争议及侵权保护相关法律事务; 著作权及著作权邻接权相关法律事务; 计算机软件、集成电路、标记、名称权的保护相关法律事务; 商业秘密权保护相关法律事务 其他与知识产权相关法律事务。
七、银行、金融、外汇、保险领域: 信贷、银行按揭、监督基金动作相关法律事务; 国际金融、资金信托、融资租赁相关法律事务; 金融、外汇管理相关法律事务; 票据被盗、遗失、灭失、公示催告相关法律事务; 其他与银行、金融、外汇、保险业务相关法律事务。
八、民事领域: 婚姻、抚养、赡养、监护、继承、收养相关法律事务; 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力、宣告失踪、宣告死亡相关法律事务; 财产所有权、经营权、承包权、相邻权、占有权相关法律事务; 健康权、姓名权、名称权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权、人身权相关法律事务: 劳动争议及权益保护、交通肇事的处理及索赔、民事侵权、民事责任相关法律事务; 民事行为相关法律事务;
九、刑事领域: 接受犯罪嫌疑人或亲属的聘请,为其提供法律咨询、代理申诉、控告、申请取保候审; 接受犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或亲属的委托担任辩护人; 接受法院的指定义务担任犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的辩护人; 接受公诉案件的被害人及其法定代理人或者亲属、刑事附带民事诉讼的当事人及其法定代表人代理人的委托,担任代理人参加诉讼; 代理刑事案件的上诉、申诉、假释、减刑、保外就医法律事务; 其他与刑事有关法律事务。
十、行政领域: 对拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚不服相关法律事务; 对限制人身自由或对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施不服相关法律事务; 认为行政机关侵犯其经营自主权、没有依法颁发许可证或执照相关法律事务; 认为行政机关没有依法履行保护人身权、财产权的法定责任,没有依法发给抚恤金、违法要求履行义务、侵犯其人身权、财产权相关法律事务; 行政案件的听证、复议、诉讼相关法律事务; 其他与行政行为有关法律事务。
十一、专项调查领域: 工商登记、税务登记、海关登记、婚姻登记等专项调查; 土地使用权、房屋所有权、默默、船舶、航空器及其他动产、不动产专项调查; 资信调查、财务调查、出资调查、股权调查、债权债务调查等专项调查; 侵犯人身权、财产权、知识产权等专项调查; 民事、经济、行政、刑事证据专项调查; 其他事务专项调查。
十二、其他领域: 经济、民事、刑事案件证据鉴定及亲子鉴定相关法律事务; 法律行为或者法律事实见证相关法律事务; 为孤儿寡母、老弱病残在赡养、抚养、工伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求发给抚恤金提供法律援助相关法律事务; 项目的设标、投标、竞标相关法律事务; 法律图书和法律信息阅览和查询相关法律事务; 其他领域相关法律事务
Professional for all types of contractual disputes, intellectual property rights, economic arbitration, non-foreign-related arbitration and litigation. The criminal, marriage, construction work, traffic accidents, stock transfer, business surveys, such as litigation and non-litigation business has unique research. As the government departments, state-owned enterprises, the financial industry, medical industry, commercial circulation industry, processing industry, high-tech enterprises, Sino-foreign joint ventures and other units and individuals of Legal Counsel.
Business Scope 1.Legal Advice • Permanent legal advisor for governmental agency, administrative authority, and institutional entity, • Permanent legal advisor for domestic and foreign companies and enterprises; • Permanent legal advisor for individual proprietor, contracting farm family, village committee; • Permanent legal advisor for individual citizen; • Permanent legal advisor for social and other organizations; • Permanent legal advisor for foreign or overseas Chinese partners on domestic businesses. 2.Legal Services on Incorporation, Reoperation and Investment • Incorporation, annual renewal, and registration of company or enterprise; • Organization split, merger, acquisition, and consolidation; • Liquidation, bankruptcy, auction, or winding up; • Financial, taxation, stock transfer, reorganization by stock; • IPO listing, transaction and acquisition, counter-acquisition; • Others 3.Legal Services on Real Estate Transaction • Alienation on or transfer of right to use land, tenancy, and mortgage; • Land development and construction, building dismantlement and removal, resettlement, project negotiation participation, arrangement of deed title registration; • Presale, sale, transfer, mortgage of real estate, and tenancy; • Mortgage bank loan, trust, and installment; • Inquiry, mediation, arbitration, litigation, and initiation of administration review on real property related disputes; • Others. 4.Legal Services on Contract • Contract negotiation participation, qualification inquiry, credit status, risk assessment; • Contract drafting, review, revision, and administration; • Guarantee, security, pledge, and lien on contract of security, deposit and submission; • Investigation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation on dispute arising from contract; • Others 5.Legal Services for International Business • International commercial contract related services; • Sale Contract under a Letter of Credit • Technological transfer, license, franchise operation; • Antitrust, anti-damping, anti-unfair competition; • Plant importation and lease; • Others. 6.Legal Services on Intellectual Property Protection • Application, extension, transfer, license of trademark, dispute and infringement prevention; • Patent application, transfer, license dispute and infringement prevention; • Copyright and its neighboring right; • Computer software, IC, logo and right of name protection; • Trade secret protection; • Others 7.Legal Services on Banking, Financial, Foreign Exchange, and Insurance: • Credit, bank installment loan, monitor on funds operation; • International finance, capital trust, financing and lease; • Financial and foreign exchange administration; • Insurance contract, claim, and settlement of claims; • Bill theft, loss, public summons for exhortation; • Others 8.Legal Services on Civil Law: • Marriage, maintenance, guardianship, adoption, and inheritance; • Holding a citizen's incapacity or partial incapacity, declaring disappearance or death; • Property ownership, right of operation, right of contracting, neighboring right, and right of possession; • Right to health, right of name, right to portrait, right to honor, right to reputation, and personal right; • Labor dispute and interest protection, traffic accident claim and handling, civil tort, civil liability; • Others. 9.Legal Services on Criminal Law • Provide service of legal advise, prosecution, appeal, and application for bail pending trial for and on behalf of suspect or his/her relative in criminal proceedings; • Act as defender for and on behalf of suspect/accused, or his/her relative in criminal proceedings; • Act as defender for and on behalf of suspect/accused as appointed by a court in criminal proceedings; • Participate in cases involving public prosecution for and on behalf of victim and his/her legal agent, in penal cases for and on behalf of parties and their legal agents; • Provide legal service of appeal, petition, parole, commute, and medical parole; • Others 10.Legal Services on Administrative Law • Protest against administrative such sanctions as detention, penalty, revocation of license and business certificate, order to discontinue production or business operation, and confiscation of property; • Protest against administrative authority who limit personal liberty, or take such administrative actions that are inappropriate as sequestration, impounding, and blockage of property; • Protest against administrative authority who infringes business autonomy and defaults in issuing license or business certification; • Protest against administrative authority who defaults in protection of personal right and property right, or in allotment of pension, or make forced default unlawfully and result in encroachment of property or infringement upon personal right; • Participate in hearing, appeal, and lawsuit in administrative cases; • Others. 11.Legal Services on Special Information Investigation • Special information investigation on registration of company and industry, taxation, customs, and marriage; • Special information investigation on right to land use, title to houses, vessel, vehicle, aircraft and other real and personal property; • Special investigation on credit information, financial information, subscription information, stock equity, and credit and debt; • Special investigation on infringement upon citizens' rights, encroachment on another's property rights, or infringement upon intellectual property rights; • Special investigation on evidences in civil, economic, administrative and criminal cases; • Others 12.Miscellaneous • Opinion evidence and paternity test involved in economic, civil, administrative and criminal cases; • Legal act or legal fact testimony related service; • Legal aid service provided to disadvantaged people involved in case on family maintenance, industrial injury compensation, compensation in criminal procedure, state compensation action, or pension allotment; • Project bidding related service; • Law books and law information retrieval service; • Other law related services.